Focused on web development, I know both front-end and back-end, I specialize in JavaScript with several frameworks. I love making things from scratch and learning about how everything works. I'm skilled in building SPA, and API, I know the structure of how the web is built from the server with HTTP to the browser.
This is an app designed to manage recipes and their caloric and nutrition content, it allows to add ingredients and assemble recipes, using that information to generate the nutrition information of each recipe.
Made it full-stack, from the database made in mongo and deployed in Atlas to the API with Express.js implementing JWT to authenticate, to the frontend with React.js and Next.js.
I'ts an application that loads a PDF and renders it in the DOM, making it possible to draw black rectangles in it, this functionality was made to cover personal information in government documents, and to fulfill the federal law of transparency without exposing personal information. It was integrated with a bigger project that manages this flow.
A small app created purely with Vue it consumes a currency API and gets the value of the most important currencies. It was designed in an intuitive manner of use, unlike other small apps that make the same.